Cultivating a Custom of Customer Service with Dave Griffiths

Cultivating a Custom of Customer Service with Dave Griffiths
Your customers have come to expect excellent and personal service. Dave Griffiths is ready to show you how to go above and beyond.

Learning Experience Outline

Cultivating a Custom of Customer Service with Dave Griffiths

  1. Cultivating a Custom of Customer Service with Dave Griffiths

About the Learning Experience

Industry-leading companies have set a new standard for customer service. The modern consumer expects nothing less than constant availability, personal touches, attention to detail and a willingness to go above and beyond in meeting their needs.

Seems like a tall order - but Dave Griffiths is here to show you how you can meet and exceed those goals and provide world-class customer service.

Growing up in a small country town in regional Australia, Griffiths learned countless lessons about connecting with people and delivering personalized service. He's carried these with him through 20 years of working for industry-leading companies and creating the gold standards of service we've all come to recognize.

Across roles ranging from frontline customer service to departmental leadership, he has many stories to share, and his energy and passion allow him to take tales of his adventures from around the world and use them to demonstrate how we all play a role in creating a customer service greatness.

In this MarketScale course, Griffiths will walk you through three core areas:

- Policy versus Practice
- Cultivating a Custom of Customer Service
- Back to Basics

Ready to dive in? Let's get started.